Friday, June 29, 2012

New Beginnings

Alas, it is officially time to bring "All the Sweetest Winds" to a close.  Thank you to my faithful readers who followed alongside me on my journey from Virginia to Texas.  Writing, no matter how funny or sad the content of the post, became very therapeutic for me. I'm thankful to have had this blog as an outlet for all of the highs and lows along the way.  It allowed me to share, process, reminisce, laugh, connect, grieve, and feel carried along the way.  What an unexpected, but beautiful, thing!

But now I'm onto bigger and better things... while I do still believe that sweet winds blow across the south, I am certain that the sweetest winds blow across Lauerland.  

If you enjoyed reading this blog, I have a feeling that you'll enjoy our sister blog even more.  

Please leave a comment and let us know you stopped by!  

So long "All the Sweetest Winds", and as my 101 year old resident used to say, "Thank you, a thousand times".

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Firas and I hadn't been to the movies together, at least with just the two of us, since our second date last May. We decided it was time to break the dry spell and make plans to see a movie. Firas had mentioned wanting to see Safehouse at least 17 times, so I suggested that we see it at the Alamo Drafthouse on Friday night. We bought tickets and were good to go. We even ended up in the very front row, ONCE AGAIN, just as we did on our second date. Those Alamo patrons are just way ahead of the game, getting there 45 minutes before showtime. Lesson learned. We settled into our front row seats, ordered cocktails, and enjoyed Alamo's entertaining music videos and previews. Another couple sidled in beside us, and I should have known we were in trouble when the lady immediately started fanning herself with my menu and commenting on how hot she was. She told me that she just could not cool off but insisted that she was not going through menopause, which I politely laughed at, but wondered if she might be since it was less than 50 degrees outside. I scooted a little closer to Firas as each wave of the menu brought a gust of smoke and patchouli towards my face. Mmmm....

Alamo Drafthouse adamantly stresses that NO TALKING is tolerated during the movie. They give fair warning that you will be asked to leave if they receive complaints about your noise level, use of the cell phone, or rude behavior. I appreciate this. The patchouli lady next to me obviously did not, as she couldn't even manage to be quiet during the warning. But then again, her male friend had ordered them a bottle of red wine, along with a shot of Jameson for her and Jack on the rocks for himself. I knew it was a bad idea before it even happened. How could he not? First glass of wine in, and the lady was toasted. Second glass of wine in, and she was gone. Unfortunately, not physically gone. But she was definitely having an out of body experience. I, however, was in full body mode and aware of the slightly uncomfortable situation going on next to me. Keep in mind that this is DURING a movie. We are not at a nightclub. The lady started slurring a little bit while "whispering" to her male friend, and then proceeded to lean towards me and place her legs over his lap. I quickly leaned in towards Firas, whispering about how bitter I was toward him sitting next to the normal couple. She then started hanging her head low and talking just a little bit more loudly, and I heard the guy ask if she needed to go, as he continuously shushed her. She told him she was fine, as she put her head in his lap and HER BARE FEET PRESSED UP AGAINST MY LEG. No freaking way. I jutted my leg out a bit and switched positions, as she slurred an apology and tried (unsuccesfully) to sit up a little bit. But then, it happened AGAIN. Bare feet on my leg. AAAHHHHH. Not okay. So I told Firas to hand me a piece of paper and pencil, and this was the result:

I'm pretty sure the guy was able to read my frustration and leaned in to tell me that they were going to be leaving. I honestly felt sorry for the guy -- he missed a good movie AND he had to take care of patchouli lady. But then again, he might have reconsidered the shot of Jameson.

Once they were gone, it was smooth sailing. I'd give the movie a B+, mainly because it had Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington in it, and date nights with Firas are always a good time. We just know to show up two hours early next time to reserve decent seats.... and please, let me be on the aisle.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go to Gourmands

To make up for having to work the past two Sundays, I took a half day today and left work at Noon... can I get a HALLELUJAH? Anyone? It doesn't happen often, so Firas and I planned a lunch date on this joyous (for me, at least) occasion. I had a Scoutmob coupon for a sandwich place on the east side called Gourmands. Firas had already been told that he MUST try it, and I am a sucker for any sort of discount.... so Gourmands it was! I didn't know what to expect... but as usual, when it comes to Austin food endeavors, my socks were indeed knocked off.

Firas went for half of the "Last Supper" sandwich paired with the Broccoli Beer Cheese Soup, which is infused with Shiner Bock and served in a bread bowl. Broccoli + Cheese + Beer + Bread = Food Heaven/Coma. I definitely stole a few spoonfuls. The "Last Supper" consisted of roast beef, queso, bacon, lettuce, tomato and onion. Firas didn't speak for about 10 minutes. I understood.

I went with the server's recommendation and enjoyed a half salad and half of the "Second Deadly Sin" sandwich. I must say that admitting I ordered a sandwich nicknamed for "Gluttony" makes me feel very exposed... no judging on here, alright? It was worth it. The sandwich was smoked turkey, bacon, fried avocado (I said no judging!), swiss, sprouts, and pesto. I took off the swiss cheese, okay? And opted for whole wheat bread. Totally justified.

Needless to say, even though the pictures don't do justice, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The restaurant is dark and resembles a basement, but it added to its "neighborhood pub" charm.

If you live in Austin, venture to the east side and fall in love with Gourmands. If you don't, remind me to take you there on your next visit!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jump, Jump

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
-Mae West

TEX, for those still trying to figure it out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is Life

I love to make valentines with our residents. Very few have a spouse that is still living, but as we get down to business with heart doiles, puffy paint, and stickers, I am given the gift of stories about their sweethearts. I get to hear about memorable celebrations, thoughtful gifts, and the secret to keeping their love alive for 40, 50, 65 years. My favorite valentine is always made by my football player...

When I brought it to his room, along with a bracelet he made for his wife, he asked if I had made that for him. No, no, not this time. I told him it was the valentine that he made for his wife and he responded, "Well, look at that.... are you sure it was me?" Yes, yes, I'm sure it was you. Even though he didn't remember making the valentine, in the five minutes that it took him to create it, he knew that he wanted her to be his, always.

I was given a few Valentines as well yesterday. Don't be jealous, I'll let you borrow one of my bracelets... or the rolling pin with a heart at one end...? I laugh, yet I had the residents paint and decorate these totally bizarre wooden objects.

I felt sorry for Firas yesterday, having to compete with that. How can you top a miniature purple rolling pin with sequins? I wasn't sure he could.... until this morning!

If you know me well, you know that I am not a fan of red roses. However, I am a fan of hot tamales. If he had just gotten me a box of those, I would have swooned... but he threw some chocolate-covered strawberries, a travel mug, AND the sweetest card ever in there as well. The boy's got game.

Happy Valentine's Day to you, and you, and you!

"Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." -Leo Tolstoy

Monday, February 13, 2012

Best January in History

Forgive me for not blogging sooner. I have so much to share, but very little free time has kept me from doing so. That and the fact that January was a jam-packed month of family, friends, special events, and memories that will last a lifetime... and I just didn't know how to put it all into words without sounding super cheesy. It's impossible. Last month was almost too good to be true. But I have pictures to prove it actually did happen! First, let's start with the awards ceremony and the most shocking surprise visit....

My company sent me to a conference hosted by THCA (Texas Health Care Association) for all activity professionals in the state of Texas. I knew that I had been nominated as Activity Professional of the Year, but I also knew that I would be up against other women who had been in the field for 10, 20, 30 years. Needless to say, I didn't get my hopes up. I was just grateful to be nominated and looking forward to reading through the scrapbook put together by my co-workers; it included many letters of recommendation for this award and I have always been motivated by words of affirmation. I was very encouraged by the sessions I attended at the conference - I learned a LOT and was very inspired by a few of the speakers. The awards banquet was held on the second night of the conference, so I got all dressed up and met my administrator in the lobby of the hotel beforehand. We found our table in the banquet room, and familiar faces started to trickle in... a couple owners of the company, a few co-workers... and they casually greeted me and sat down at our table. As if it was normal that they were there. I didn't ask any questions, but continued on by eating my salad and nervously sipping my water. Halfway through my salad, something made me turn around in my chair. And there he was....

Cowboy hat and all! This would have been cute either way since it was his first time to Texas, but Nicole and Mom were inspired by the banquet's country western theme. I did a double-take, but when I turned back around he was still there.... along with Nicole, my Mom and Dad, Firas (who coordinated this whole thing with my close friend and co-worker Brandon as well as my administrator), three of my most active residents, and another co-worker and her daughter. I was speechless. And by speechless, I mean I was crying and said, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're actually here" over and over again. I won't ramble on about the rest of the ceremony, but I did win the award for Activity Professional of the Year. It's a huge honor, and I am greatly humbled by it. It makes me want to work even harder to advance this profession and challenge others to think outside the box when it comes to providing activity programs for long term care. I now can't imagine receiving that award without my family there beside me. They even called my Mom and Dad to the front to present the award to me. It was a very special night. One that I will never, ever forget!

The surprises kept coming... my boss told me that I had the rest of the week off, and my family told me that Mom, Nicole, and Charlie would be staying until Saturday! My Dad, being the most supportive and amazing Dad that he is, had to fly back the next morning. He came just for the ceremony and to spend the evening together, which meant so much to me. And if you're wondering where Deirdre is in this story, she already had a vacation planned to Austin the very next week! Blog post to come on that exciting trip, too!

The rest of the week was wonderful.... the four of us stayed at the downtown Marriott, and enjoyed....

A whole lot of this little cowboy...

Austin eats.... I finally succeeded in finding (delicious) empanadas for my Mom!

The sunset at Oasis, which Firas has been (strongly) encouraging me to take my family to ever since we started dating.... good thing I finally gave in, it was quite a hit!

A whole lot of relaxing, a little bit of exploring, and the best company in the world. I was so thankful to have them here to celebrate both the award and my birthday. I have said it a hundred times already, but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I am a lucky girl to have such an incredible family, boyfriend, friends, and staff.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beautiful Oblivion

I have several residents with dementia who believe that they are much better off than most of the other people living here. We call this being "pleasantly confused". I love these residents. I was walking by the living room when I saw one of the pleasantly confused gentlemen sitting by a lady in a reclined wheelchair; she appeared anxious and was repeating herself over and over again. He was holding her hand, whispering to her, and telling her that she was going to be okay. I put my hand on his shoulder and thanked him for being so kind to this lady. He gave me an understanding look and said, "I remember the days with my mother. I took care of her too."

When I first got into long term care, I worked mainly with residents in a memory care unit. I remember taking a few ladies to a concert at the theater where many residents from the healthcare center, assisted living, and independent living were in attendance. As we were waiting to leave our row once the concert was over, a lady from independent living passed by us with a walker. I'm not sure what her condition was, but she was extremely hunched over and her features seemed to have shrunken in a bit. One of my ladies, whose dementia was so severe that she couldn't remember where her room was, quietly whispered to herself, "That poor, poor woman. How lucky am I, how lucky am I."

Hence the name of this post.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sentimental Journey

Let me start off by saying...


I have high hopes for this year. Well, for this year and all the years to come. Last year ended in a tragedy that left me feeling a bit broken, followed closely by a Christmas that left me feeling put back together. It is amazing what time at home with my family can do for me. During our music therapy group, the residents sang the well-known classic, "Sentimental Journey"... I've heard it played plenty times before, but the lyrics resonated with me this particular time.

Gonna take a sentimental journey,
Gonna set my heart at ease.
Gonna make a sentimental journey,
To renew old memories.

Set my heart at ease. I love that. And that's just what being home did for me. I don't have a long list of New Year's resolutions this year. Like everyone else, I have made promises to myself.... shed some pounds, save more money, keep my car clean (never gonna happen). But my #1 resolution is simply to live a full life and love people better. Friends, family, boyfriend, residents, acquaintances, even strangers. I have continued to receive e-mails and messages from people in response to my tribute post to Mrs. Buckalew. Each one brings me to tears, but I am also encouraged because they all share a common theme: they each want to carry on the legacy of the Buckalew family. To live more intentionally, to seek a full life, to love one another better. Deirdre sent me a thoughtful e-mail with a link to the article about their funeral, and she made note of a powerful statement made by the Reverend: "Life can end suddenly. So here is the lesson: Love now… Make love an active verb in the present tense of our living. Love is stronger than even death." Amen to that.

I am not sure what will become of this blog in 2012, but I do believe that writing is my best medicine at this point. Screw laughter. Just kidding. I hope that my posts, however ridiculous they may be, provide you with encouragement, new ideas, comfort, laughter, or just an easy read when you get bored looking at your Facebook newsfeed.

Here's a little preview of what's to come...

"Help! I need healthy and satisfying meals because I and can't stop dreaming about bread and cheese" Recipes

(never claimed photography as a hobby)

Craft Projects (sometimes edible)



And a whole lot of this chunky monkey
