It was Kristen's birthday and we were on a mission: To wow the city of Austin with our karaoke skills. My sisters and I consider ourselves karaoke connoisseurs after spending a week in Miami and "performing"
every single night. Lucky for me, Kristen is also a fan of all things karaoke. We did a little research to find a spot that offers our favorite past-time on a Monday night in Austin... and we hit the jackpot. A little piece of paradise called BEERLAND. As you can imagine, we were a little skeptical. Who names a bar Beerland? And what kind of people hang out at a bar named Beerland? We decided to take our chances... let the karaoke begin!

Beerland. Like I said, don't judge a bar by it's cover. Or interior.

This guy is one of about five regular performers at Beerland's Karoaoke night. He was definitely a crowd favorite. I wonder if he works at TGIFridays with all those buttons.

This would be Nicole and Deirdre's genius selection of Weird Al Yankovic's "Amish Paradise". They sang while I danced awkwardly in the background.
We ended up having a blast... the regulars welcomed us and the karaoke DJ's humored us by letting us perform at least 13 songs on stage. Turns out that looks really can be deceiving.
been spending most our lives living in an amish paradise....