Monday, April 26, 2010
Home Sweet Home

Monday, April 19, 2010
Tara and Jaclyn's Austin Adventure: Days 3 and 4

We woke up Sunday morning, packed up our bags, and headed out for brunch at a popular Mexican restaurant called Mi Tierra. That's right, Mexican food on Easter Sunday... there's a first time for everything. It was just what we needed before heading back to Austin. We spent the rest of the day walking around SoCo, enjoying the sun, and relaxing. We wrapped up the night with a sushi dinner and hit the sack soon after to prepare for our early morning. Although part of me wanted to "accidentally" turn off both of our cell phone alarms and keep Tara in Austin for at least another day, I resisted the urge and got her to the airport in time. It was a saaaad day. It was so good to have her here, but really hard to see her go. But I'll be with her again in two short months... June can't come soon enough! And that concludes Tara and Jaclyn's Austin Adventure.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tara and Jaclyn's Austin Adventure: Day 2

Following breakfast, we made our way to Mandola winery which is right outside of Austin. It was our plan to head to Driftwood winery but after I got us a bit lost (okay, very lost), we came across Mandola first and decided to do both! Mandola was beautiful and the wine was so, so, so good. Even the rose wine, which Tara and I are both typically not fans of. The people helping us were so friendly and we were both very impressed. I'm looking

After sampling a lot of wine at the two wineries, we were ready for another incredible meal... this time at Salt Lick BBQ! I feel like this is a place that I have to take everyone who visits me to. It's the meal that you write home about. It was

It was a full day, and we were exhausted. There had been talk about going out that night, but both of us were very content just curling up on the couch and watching TV. We had a big day ahead of us... in ole' San Antone! More to come....
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tara and Jaclyn's Austin Adventure: Day 1

I love Tara and I love Austin, so having her here was such a treat. It was fun showing her the little bit of Austin I know, and also experiencing a few new things together. The trip started off a little shaky with Tara missing her flight out of Baltimore. I woke up to a facebook message and e-mail from her Mom (oh, and I forgot to mention that Tara's cell phone was out of commission) letting me know that she had missed her flight and would be landing later in the afternoon than expected. I immediately wrote back letting her know that I would make sure I had my phone on me for when Tara landed and called me from a pay-phone. Thank God those still exist. But as I was blow-drying my hair, I remembered that it was April Fool's Day. I truly thought that Joni the Pony (Tara's Mom) had pulled off a good one. She called me at 8 am to "confirm that I got her message" as she had told me she'd do, and I was just waiting for her to say "APRIL FOOL'S!" and I would laugh out loud and give her the credit she deserved... but three minutes into the conversation, she still hadn't told me she had fooled me. It was true... Tara had missed her flight. I'm proud to have a best friend that trusted a laptop alarm clock to wake her up in place of her malfunctioning cell phone. Love her.
Long story short, she made it! She even got to spend an hour at my job, meet my favorite resident "Roy", and laugh with me when I told her that I had two residents attempt to eat the confetti off the table decorated for our Easter tea. Lesson learned. We made it back to the apartment and got ready for our first night in Austin! Our plan was to head downtown for 80's Ladies Sing Along at the Alamo Drafthouse which sounded awesome... but first we headed to Shady Grove for dinner. That was mine and Kristen's first time there as well, and we were all impressed. Especially by the large outdoor patio and the cheap margatitas - yum! We headed home and started gearing up for 80's night. And by gearing up, I mean Tara made enough room in her suitcase for hot pink fishnets, leg-warmers, mini skirt, and incredibly 80's accessories... and I rocked the cut-off Jesse Spano sweatshirt, leggings, cut-off jean shorts and crimped hair. We were in it to win it. We were brave enough to take the bus downtown (best thing about Austin... people are so diverse here that you can get away with anything) and we finally arrived at the drafthouse. Only to find out.... tickets are SOLD OUT. So disappointing. And at this point it's almost 10 pm. We've taken the bus downtown. We are not going home to change. So you had better believe that the three of us hit up 6th street completely decked out like Pat Benetar. We hit Austin with our best shot. Okay, that was bad. Despite the looks of confusion we got from other bar-goers, we had a blast. We danced the night away... which is definitely something I've missed doing with T. I was glad she got to experience the Chuggin' Monkey in all it's glory. The "stage" has now experienced two of Farmville's finest. After a full night of good drinks, good dancing, and good times (all in 80's garb), we hopped in a cab and hit the sack..... stay tuned for Day 2 of our Austin adventure.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Alert: Cougars on Campus

Fast forward to Tuesday evening. A few of the therapist girls from my work invited me to their "Tuesday Night Dinner" and on this particular Tuesday they were meeting up at Opa, a restaurant I had been wanting to try! Reagan and I enjoyed a delicious Greek appetizer and a ginormous $2 glass of sangria on their awesome patio, complete with a stage for live music, ping pong tables, bocce ball, and.... hula hoops. I wasn't feeling gutsy enough to whip one of those around these hips, but maybe next time. After a good time with the girls from work, we ventured downtown to Reagan's apartment for her skype date with friends from home (C'ville girls: Why have we never thought do to this?) and we thought we'd walk somewhere to grab dinner. Before leaving her apartment (which by the way is very close to the UT campus and Reag calls it a glorified dorm), we decided on Thai food and started walking toward Madam Mam's. On the way, we passed Mellow Mushroom and a sign outside reading, "Trivia Night!". Reagan and I are both big fans of trivia. We walked about 10 feet past it and stopped to debate whether or not we were willing to risk looking like cougars on the prowl or like girls who peaked in college and were wanting to relive it at Tuesday night trivia. We decided it was worth the risk. After going back and forth for a while about what our team name should be, we finally decided on "Too Old To Be Here". The girl leading the trivia had a good laugh when she saw it and told us that she was also too old to be there, which was semi-encouraging. Reagan and I ended up doing much better than we expected and surprised ourselves by how lucky we go

Speaking of teams, tomorrow night is our first kickball game! Kristen, Reagan, and I signed up and we're on a team with complete strangers... should be interesting.
Will keep you posted, wish us luck!
Will keep you posted, wish us luck!
Dirty Old Crossword Puzzles
Deirdre informed me via text that people are counting on me, therefore I must update my blog. I promise that I have not abandoned this blogging world I've thrown myself into... it has just been a crazy week.
Here's a quick story to hold you over until tonight...
Setting the scene: Resident "Roy" and I are working on a crossword puzzle together. I am standing in front of his wheelchair at the easel with a blown up crossword puzzle taped to it. I give the clues, and Roy tries to figure out the words. Action!
Jaclyn: Wahoo! Good one. Okay, 9 across, 5 letters, "To Provide" (or something along those lines)... First two letters are E and N....
Roy: En..... dow?
Jaclyn: YES! Impressive. Okay, 9 down, 6 letters....
Roy: Just a minute. Now Jaclyn, what comes to your mind when you first hear the word "endow"?
Jaclyn (trying not to smile and/or turn beat red, as I'm clearly thinking "well endowed", I innocently reply): Hmm.... money?
Roy: Heh heh heh. Often, when a man hears the word endow, he automatically thinks about...
Jaclyn: ROY! I get where you're going, and we're not going there....
Roy: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. MONEY! BAHAHAHAHA! (for a good 15 seconds)
Jaclyn: Moving on... 9 down, 6 letters...
Here's a quick story to hold you over until tonight...
Setting the scene: Resident "Roy" and I are working on a crossword puzzle together. I am standing in front of his wheelchair at the easel with a blown up crossword puzzle taped to it. I give the clues, and Roy tries to figure out the words. Action!
Jaclyn: Wahoo! Good one. Okay, 9 across, 5 letters, "To Provide" (or something along those lines)... First two letters are E and N....
Roy: En..... dow?
Jaclyn: YES! Impressive. Okay, 9 down, 6 letters....
Roy: Just a minute. Now Jaclyn, what comes to your mind when you first hear the word "endow"?
Jaclyn (trying not to smile and/or turn beat red, as I'm clearly thinking "well endowed", I innocently reply): Hmm.... money?
Roy: Heh heh heh. Often, when a man hears the word endow, he automatically thinks about...
Jaclyn: ROY! I get where you're going, and we're not going there....
Roy: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. MONEY! BAHAHAHAHA! (for a good 15 seconds)
Jaclyn: Moving on... 9 down, 6 letters...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
"Move Back to Virginia"
I got into a fight at the grocery store. Don't worry Nana, no punches thrown. Just a few words.
I was making a right turn into H.E.B. (Austin's finest) when a man coming from the opposite direction tried to make a quick left into the parking lot before me. Normally, I would have slowed down and let him cut in front of me but I didn't have enough time as I was already turning. I said "Woah!" and quickly made it into the lot. He followed quickly behind me and as I glanced in the rearview mirror, I noticed he was giving me the bird. A little dramatic, but whatever. I made a few loops around the parking lot (I've seen one too many scary movies involving road rage) and finally made my way into the grocery store. I turned left towards the produce, dropped a few items in my cart, and made my way to the potatoes.... when all of a sudden....
Jerk: "Are you the lady with the Virgina license plates?"
Me: "Yep."
Jerk: "I don't know why you were SO offended that I was trying to pull into the lot ahead of you."
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't offended, I was just surprised to see you there."
Jerk: "Well you looked pretty angry!"
Me: "No, I wasn't angry. I just said 'Woah' because I was startled."
Jerk: "I don't know what was SO startling. I was trying not to block traffic behind me." (this is when I should have suggested that he turn at the TRAFFIC LIGHT only 20 feet ahead next time)
Me: "Okay, well sorry. Although I didn't appreciate you flicking me off."
Jerk: "Well, I'm just so tired of you easterners coming in and ruining our city. It used to be so chill before you all showed up."
Me: "Wow. That is an extreme generalization."
Jerk: "You have no idea. People coming from Virginia... and California (I cocked my head at this one, which he apparently observed)... I know it's on the west coast, but I'm just saying... We used to be so chill, and you all brought so much anger here."
Me: "I've never been described as angry before, and you are the first person I've encountered in Austin to share this idea about easterners with me. Everyone has been so friendly. But that's your opinion."
Me: "Grow up."
Jerk: "I.. I.. I am grown up."
Me: "You sure aren't acting like it."
Jerk walks away.
Okay, so MAYBE I shouldn't have told him to grow up.... but my heart was racing and I typically back down in these situations, so I felt it was important to be assertive for once. If I had been aggressive and not assertive, I would have thrown a potato at him. I resisted the urge. I don't like being told that I'm an angry person. I work in a nursing home for crying out loud. And I especially don't appreciate him knocking my home state. Since when is Virginia known for it's angry residents?
So anyways, if you're looking for a little action... head to the local grocery store. Perhaps their slogan should read "Here Everyone's Bitter". Oh but wait, that would be making a generalization, and Virginians are above that. I kid, I kid.
On a good note, that's my first negative experience in Austin. After three months here, that's pretty impressive. Still love the city, just not the one scary local.
I was making a right turn into H.E.B. (Austin's finest) when a man coming from the opposite direction tried to make a quick left into the parking lot before me. Normally, I would have slowed down and let him cut in front of me but I didn't have enough time as I was already turning. I said "Woah!" and quickly made it into the lot. He followed quickly behind me and as I glanced in the rearview mirror, I noticed he was giving me the bird. A little dramatic, but whatever. I made a few loops around the parking lot (I've seen one too many scary movies involving road rage) and finally made my way into the grocery store. I turned left towards the produce, dropped a few items in my cart, and made my way to the potatoes.... when all of a sudden....
Jerk: "Are you the lady with the Virgina license plates?"
Me: "Yep."
Jerk: "I don't know why you were SO offended that I was trying to pull into the lot ahead of you."
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't offended, I was just surprised to see you there."
Jerk: "Well you looked pretty angry!"
Me: "No, I wasn't angry. I just said 'Woah' because I was startled."
Jerk: "I don't know what was SO startling. I was trying not to block traffic behind me." (this is when I should have suggested that he turn at the TRAFFIC LIGHT only 20 feet ahead next time)
Me: "Okay, well sorry. Although I didn't appreciate you flicking me off."
Jerk: "Well, I'm just so tired of you easterners coming in and ruining our city. It used to be so chill before you all showed up."
Me: "Wow. That is an extreme generalization."
Jerk: "You have no idea. People coming from Virginia... and California (I cocked my head at this one, which he apparently observed)... I know it's on the west coast, but I'm just saying... We used to be so chill, and you all brought so much anger here."
Me: "I've never been described as angry before, and you are the first person I've encountered in Austin to share this idea about easterners with me. Everyone has been so friendly. But that's your opinion."

Me: "Grow up."
Jerk: "I.. I.. I am grown up."
Me: "You sure aren't acting like it."
Jerk walks away.
Okay, so MAYBE I shouldn't have told him to grow up.... but my heart was racing and I typically back down in these situations, so I felt it was important to be assertive for once. If I had been aggressive and not assertive, I would have thrown a potato at him. I resisted the urge. I don't like being told that I'm an angry person. I work in a nursing home for crying out loud. And I especially don't appreciate him knocking my home state. Since when is Virginia known for it's angry residents?
So anyways, if you're looking for a little action... head to the local grocery store. Perhaps their slogan should read "Here Everyone's Bitter". Oh but wait, that would be making a generalization, and Virginians are above that. I kid, I kid.
On a good note, that's my first negative experience in Austin. After three months here, that's pretty impressive. Still love the city, just not the one scary local.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
All In a Week's Work
I'm sure you were expecting my next post to be about Tara's visit to Austin... give me time, I am still in mourning over her departure. But as to be expected, it was an awesome visit and it made my life.
So in the meantime, I thought I'd post a few of the hilarious comments that came straight from residents' mouths this past week. Enjoy...
80 year old male resident wearing jean shorts, t-shirt, and silver chain-link necklace:
So in the meantime, I thought I'd post a few of the hilarious comments that came straight from residents' mouths this past week. Enjoy...
80 year old male resident wearing jean shorts, t-shirt, and silver chain-link necklace:
- "HEY, HEY YOU, throw a blanket over my legs... I don't want everyone seeing "Old Glory" as they walk by." I shudder at the thought.
- Chain-Link: "You're not married... why not?" Me: "I don't know Chain-Link... still looking for the right one, I suppose." Chain-Link: "Keep looking. Don't marry a drinker, you never know what they're gonna do next." Me: "Thanks for the tip. How'd you meet your wife?" Chain-Link: "I met her working at UT. I worked in the kitchen, she cleaned toilets. I spanked her butt." Me: "I'm sorry, what?" Chain-Link: "I guess she liked it. We've been married 48 years."
- "I see you've got crippled feet like me." No comment.
- "Oh no, I forgot my glasses... can you all believe it? I'm 92 years old, and the only thing wrong with me is my eyesight... Oh, and I've got a corn on my toe, but I can live with that."
- I was doing my initial assessment to find out her background, leisure interests, family history, etc... and as we were wrapping up our conversation, I thanked her for chatting with me and started for the door... I was halfway out the room when I heard from behind me, "WHAT, you don't wanna hear about my hooker days?!" Wow wow wow.
- Just today, I knocked on her door to invite her to an activity and she said,"Come in, come in! Get in here before I kick your butt out!" She laughs and then opens up her arms, inviting me in for a hug. I lean in and she wraps her arms around me repeating, "You're just precious, you're so lovely"... only to quickly find the center of my back and snap my bra, yelling "GOTCHA!" and laughing even harder.
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