I can't write my official C'ville/Foxfield entry yet as I am still waiting on people to post pictures from the glorious weekend. That means you, Meredeath! A blog post just isn't the same without pics. But I wanted to give a quick shout-out to my sisters for an unforgettable "welcome back" to the east coast. The flight from Austin to Baltimore was pretty uneventful... the only slightly humorous thing that occurred was having a mysterious person gently lift my head from the middle of the aisle back to my seat. I stirred both times but didn't want to look around to see who had saved my head from a collision with the drink cart. It is impossible for me to sleep sitting up without my head falling to one side. I thought about warning the girl next to me on the flight back to Austin, but I didn't want her to to panic every time she saw my eyes close. So instead I apologized at the end of the flight for waking up on her shoulder... twice. Fly the friendly skies of Awkward Airlines. Anyways, I quickly called my sisters when I landed in Baltimore to let them know that I had arrived. They told me where I could find them outside of the terminal, and I booked it! I wasn't able to spot Dee's car when I first walked out, but then I heard the screams... "WOOOOOOOOO MISS TEXAS!! HERE SHE IS, EVERYBODY!!! IT'S MISS TEXAS!!!!!!" I look to the left and see Nicole and Dee jumping up and down with a bright pink sign that screams "MISS TEXAS" and soon enough the three of us were hugging and jumping together, and before I knew it I was wearing a tiara. That's right, a tiara. People were glancing over at us, obviously... it must have been hard not to. They were either thinking that we were awesome or that the Miss America judges were under the influence when they nominated Miss Texas. Probably both. It was the BEST airport welcome I've ever had and probably ever will have. I was wearing a tiara, reunited with my sisters, and almost home!
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