We woke up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy and started off our morning with a trip to see Nana and Uncle Jerry in Alexandria! Nana was so sweet to have breakfast ready when we got there even though it was so early... french toast, yum! Nana told me that she enjoys my blog and it sounds like I am eating and drinking my way through Texas - haha, she's totally right. I better write more about my adventures outside of restaurants and bars. After spending time at Nana's, we jumped in the car and were on our way to good ole' Charlottesville! Mom greeted us in the driveway by giving a big hug and kiss, Lilly (our crazy little fur-ball) greeted us in the driveway by peeing with

It's hard for me to write about Foxfield without feeling like I'm sharing a hundred inside jokes or moments where you just "had to be there". That's no fun for those that weren't present, so I will sum it up in a list of my favorite things from the day...

- Apple Pie Shooters (a Lauer tradition) - I threatened people to take them insisting that it was a part of Lauer initiation... gets 'em every time.
- Meredeath. She gets a bullet point all for herself becuse she is my third sister and I was so excited to see her! Dad has nicknamed her D4 = Daughter #4. It's official.
- Spending the day with my Richmond pals... Jobe, Courtney, Brad, Allison and Kellen... so glad they could make it, and Richmond kids know how to have a good time.
- Auctioning off Jobe while walking around the field... "22, single, white, female... only 22 for 3 more days, get 'er while she's hot"..... BAMA BANGS!
- Getting a good laugh out of classic and not-so-classic Foxfield attire (paisley button-down with plaid shorts, seersucker snuggie, girls in spandex and t-shirts, etc...)
- Watching people steal food from our plot and being reprimanded for it. I understand taking one chik-fila nugget (who can blame them?), but six at a time? One girl from the next plot over grabbed seven reeses cup cookies, placed them in a napkin, and started to walk away... my sweet friend Amanda Jobe with her sweet southern accent was quick to corner her and ask if she was part of our plot.... the girl claimed that she thought our plots were joined, and Amanda set her straight by grabbing the cookies from her hand and placing them back on the food table. I realize that I sound like a middle schooler in the middle of a fight on the playground, but it was priceless. I love that girl. Jobe, not the cookie thief.
- CHEESE BALLS. This jar had at least 87 hands in it by the end of the night. These cheese balls were famous, Foxfield-wide. I even danced with them on stage to Madonna's "Like a Prayer". Yes, there was a dance floor at a Foxfield plot this year. We continued to eat them up until the end of the night... it was like the never-ending jar of cheese balls. Gross.
- Brad and I yelling "COLLEGE" at the top of our lungs while we were leaving the field.
Look At Me!! -I finally figured out how to post comments - you may regret this Jac!!
ReplyDeleteBest daughters ever - including D4 and a great group of friends!! That Cheeseball jar could be swabbed in a biology class to discover exciting new organisms....
Looking forward to next year - maybe we'll be able to set up our tent city a la Grapes of Wrath....