I am not a huge fan of reality TV. I will admit to being a sucker for Laguna Beach and the Hills... but it's hard for me to sit through an entire episode of Housewives without screaming at the women or ripping my hair out. I typically watch the last episode of American Idol just to see who wins, and just recently I've started watching the Bachelorette because I just have to watch my girl Ali find herself a decent man after last season's letdown. And clearly I'm a fan of Jersey Shore so that I can pick up guido terms such as "GTL" and "Beat the BEAT!" But to be honest, I'm more the type to throw myself into a dramatic series where I attach myself to the characters and lose myself in their storylines. Think Mad Men, Dawson's Creek (if you don't put this in the drama genre, then you clearly never saw the anti-prom episode), Alias, Veronica Mars, and Lost. Tara and Deirdre are with me on most of these... I think... I hope. But anyways, the reason for writing this blog post is because I happened to come across "So You Think You Can Dance" on Wednesday night... and I was blown away. I've seen a few dances on this show, but nothing like this one. First off, they danced to Coldplay's "Fix You", one of my all-time favorite songs. Secondly, the dance was so powerful that I jumped off the couch in disbelief and might have even shed a few tears. Lastly, the judges gave them a standing ovation... I don't know much about this show, but I have a feeling that a standing ovation isn't common. Reality television definitely has redemptive qualities.

So if you didn't catch this amazing performance and have a few extra minutes in your day, take a look...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Eyhwli2YoLike Logan and Veronica's love, it was epic.
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