Roy: "I've noticed that in the evening shift, we have a good number of "either-or's" working as aides... is that right?"
Jaclyn: "I'm not sure what you're talking about... what do you mean by "either-or"?"
Roy: "They either want to be a boy or a girl.... they just can't decide."
(Without going into too much detail, his observation is indeed correct.)
Marge, 84 years old and widowed: "I'm not sure that I can make it to activities today. I'm getting my hair done."
Jaclyn: "Oh, how nice. For a special occasion?"
Marge: "Well, yes. I'm getting married."
(Hold the phone!)
Jaclyn: "You are...?"
Marge: "Yes, will you actually pull my dress out of the closet?"
(Panic ensues. I do not want to be the one to inform her that there is no bridal gown in her closet.)
Jaclyn, while browsing her closet: "I don't see it, Marge. I bet it's at the seamstress."
(I was going to say Dry Cleaners, but I didn't know if those existed in the 40's. Okay, I'm sure they did, but she might have grown up on a farm. Which most likely means that she or her mother was the seamstress. Crap.)
Marge: "Oh, maybe. I need it as soon as possible. We are meeting to get our shots at the courthouse before the ceremony, and he is going to think I didn't show up!"
(Shots? What kind of wedding arrangement is this?! I wasn't ready to find out.)
Jaclyn: "Okay, I'll go check on the dress!"
--Ten Minutes Later--
Jaclyn: "The dress is being worked on!"
Marge: "What dress?"
The following takes place during an activity with a few Mary-Kay ladies who visited with the residents and pampered them with "Satin Hands" and make-overs:
Roxie: "Jaclyn, you look sexy."
Jaclyn: "Wow, it is weird to hear you say that. But thank you."
Mary Kay Lady (in her head): "Maybe if she knew how to apply make-up or use a blowdryer..."
Ethel: "Jaclyn always looks good."
Roxie: "Yeah, but today she looks sexy!"
Jaclyn, to the Mary Kay Ladies: "This is why I work here."
Horace, new resident who looks like a leprechaun: "Sweet angel, can you find me some of that special banana nut creamer for my coffee?"
(It's french vanilla, but I wasn't about to rain on his parade.th
Jaclyn, after checking the kitchen's fridge: "It wasn't in the big kitchen. Let me go check the pantry."
Jaclyn, with "banana nut" creamer in hand: "I found it!"
Horace, arms open wide: "You are the most wonderful thing to ever be born. I love you, I love you, I love you."
Jaclyn: "Wow, doing you a small favor sure pays off."
Horace, chuckling: "Now will you put it back in the big kitchen for me, angel?"
Jaclyn: "I think we'd be better off leaving it in the pantry, because it's easier for you to...."
Horace, cutting me off: "Mama knows best! Mama knows best!"
And at the end of the day, after I walked my all-American UT football player back to his room, he turned as I headed for the door and said, "Hey, give me a hug."
The hole in my heart didn't close completely, but it did shrink just a little bit.
What's Mary Kay? Great blog. Miss you.