I was so lucky to have both my sisters and best friend from college visit me in Austin for five days. I couldn't have asked for a better vacation, even though I didn't even leave the city. While I do love living here and have met some great people, there's nothing like being with three of the people who know me best. There is no holding back with the four of us, and I always remember how fortunate I am that one of my best friends gets along so well with my sisters, even without me present. Tara is definitely an honorary Lauer sister, and I'm pretty sure she earned that title by revealing her secret talent to my Mom back in college... she can talk backwards. Not just one word at a time, but give her a complete sentence and she'll recite it back to you from finish to start. It's amazing. Anyways, we had such a good trip together. I even got to do some things around Austin that I hadn't done before. It was fun to have a few firsts with them... I felt like a bit of a tourist myself still. We ate, drank, danced, ate, laughed, shared stories, ate, shopped, relaxed, exchanged clothes... it was just what I needed. Minus being yelled at for texting while driving. But I've put that habit to rest, being told that Nana would be very upset with me.
Following our drive from the San Antonio airport back to Austin, which was filled with catching up, lots of laughs, and celebrating being together again, I took them to good ol' Polvos for dinner. I like to think that Polvos is a hidden gem among the millions of restaurants and bars in Austin, but I think it's time to give that notion up considering there are always 15-2o people waiting in the parking lot for their table. I felt that it was crucial that Nicole, Deirdre, and Tara experience one of the best margaritas in town, and Polvos was the restaurant of choice!

Mango margaritas, chile con queso, and cerveza fajitas.... viva la Mexico! The girls were impressed with Polvos... and full. But not too full for fro-yo, which we enjoyed afterwards. Another reason to love the three of them.
We enjoyed our frozen yogurt back at the apartment in our pajamas while watching home videos that I asked Deirdre to bring. Lucky for us, Tara thinks our family videos are funny because I would probably rather stare at a wall than watch somebody else's home videos. Or maybe she's just too nice to say something. Most likely. It was a great, relaxing first night.... and we had a lot to look forward to over the next few days......
my still spontaneously laugh when i think about 18 month old deirdre sliding backwards down the stairs on christmas morning with NO reaction from papa lauer...amazeballs
ReplyDeletecan't we have a repeat of this trip every month??
I never got to hear Tara talk backwards. What the heck, I feel like I was cheated out of something!