I have just woken up from a nap in the king size bed of my best friend Eliza Joy's guest bedroom. I feel rested, refreshed, and inspired. And not just from the nap... but from being in the company of best friends, sharing the excitement of a 9-month old baby with another on the way, and relaxing in a home that was beautifully transformed by Eliza Joy and her husband, with the help of family and friends. This weekend trip was just what the doctor ordered.

Hannah's Nursery that Eliza Joy has decorated with such thoughtful detail. I have walked away with many "DIY" project ideas and inspired to put more time and energy into my home.

Dana selflessly having her hair chopped off for Locks of Love. She was a trooper throughout the hair appointment, only shedding a few tears and one loud scream after the initial cut.

Taking countless pictures of Hannah Bean and claiming every little thing she does makes her "the cutest baby in the world".... and trust me when I say, she really is!

I am confident that all of the Charlottesville girls will appreciate that we found it necessary to make up our own recipe for "cake balls" on Saturday night. And this was after we enjoyed an incredible dinner at Blue Koi... dumplings, Chinese pot roast, and all. Some things never change.

Bath time for Bean... happiest baby in the world! As long as you're not trying to make her take a nap when she'd rather be playing with Mom and new friends.
More pictures to come!
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