Sunday, September 4, 2011

More Bounce in California

We definitely picked the right city to kick off our vacation. San Diego's weather is unbeatable, even in August, the month where most cities reek of high temperatures, humidity or rain. We found it easy to cope with 75 degrees at Noon and 65 degrees at night. That is my kind of weather... shorts and a tank top during the day, jeans and a top at night. Love love love it. It goes without saying that it was a welcomed break from the Texas heat. Oh, did you hear that we beat the record for number of consecutive days over 100 degrees? Take that, 1925. Glad to be making history my second year here.

Here's just a piece of our Cali vacation....

We enjoyed breakfast at a small joint called Lahaina Beach House. The service was questionable, but who's taking notes when you're eating on the beach? Tough to be negative when you're eating breakfast with only 50 yards separating you from the Pacific Ocean. I finally got my hands on a standard breakfast sandwich, which is surprisingly hard to find around Austin. Breakfast tacos? We got 'em. Breakfast sandwiches? Not so much.

We enjoyed the view of the ocean right outside our hotel. Motel. Crackhouse. You take your pick. We got an amazing deal, but amazing deals sometimes come with seedy characters and/or less than luxury accommodations. We didn't feel that our lives were threatened... but man were we happy to settle into our Las Vegas hotels. I will never again take for granted the ability to reach for the shampoo without my butt swinging open the shower door. Sorry for the TMI, but that's how small the shower was. We knew it was worth it to stay here, as this motel had a prime location and cost hundreds less than the others... plus, we saved money for drinks on the beach and slot machines in our near future. No complaints here.

We spent a few hours in La Jolla on our first day in San Diego, which was absolutely breathtaking. The seals, as goofy as they are, were just a sweet add-on to the incredible views we took in. I was surprised to see people swimming across the cove (must have been some kind of race or special event), and even more surprised to see the seals bobbing along right beside them.

We made a pit-stop at George's on the Cove, a well-known restaurant in La Jolla for their location on the hill which overlooks the water. We were demoted to the second floor because we were not ordering entrees.... or maybe it was because we looked like second floor material. Ouch, George! The restaurant was flocking with rich Mom's in white linen pants and martini in hand, so I'm not sure that Firas's neon green tank top was subtle enough for the third floor seating. Was he wearing his tank top that day? Either way, we enjoyed our delicious, overpriced cocktails with a beautiful view of La Jolla. And as you can see from the picture, we kept it classy on the second floor.


  1. You guys look like you had such a good time. Tony and I are in next time. Nugget can spend the weekend with Nana Lee and Papa John!!!

  2. I hope you guys realize you are living the GOOD
    life and you deserve it. Maybe next time you could
    include me. (Frightened you didn't I ?.)

  3. It most definitely is the good life!! So much fun - wish I could go back right now!!!
