On that note, I will make a *cyber* (ha!) pinky promise to catch you up on the happenings of my life over the past two months or so.... most importantly, my new baby nephew who is the most perfect "bundell" of joy in the whole entire world. Along with my second (and better) ACL experience, our accidental 20 mile bike ride, my most delectable meals that I've enjoyed, and so on.
For now, I will leave you with a little fall treat from my residents. Some had no trouble using their imagination while painting pumpkins...

...while others just seemed a bit stuck. When I asked my football guy to sit with the group and paint a pumpkin, the conversation went a bit like this...
Me: "Ron, do you want to paint a pumpkin with us?"
Ron: "No, not really."
Me: "Well, give it a shot. We always enjoy your company!"
Ron: "I guess. What should I paint on it?"
Me: "Anything you want. You could write your initials, UT, maybe draw a longhorn..."
Ron: "Ok."
Me: "What colors would you like?"
Ron: "Red, white, and blue."
(10 minutes later = Finished Product = see below)
Me: "RWB....? OH, the R is red, the W is white, and the B is blue. Clever, Ron."
Ron, laughing: "Thanks."
(Fast forward 30 minutes later: I walk the pumpkin down to Ron's room after the paint has dried)
Me: "Here's your pumpkin!"
Ron, looks confused: "Great.... thanks! RWB.... what does that stand for?"
love love LOVE the title of this post!!!