I took my first trip to the Greenbelt this past Sunday with Kristen and Reagan for a BEAUTIFUL and adventurous hike. After fighting our way there (think road blocks, dead ends, and multiple U-turns), we pretty much winged it when choosing a trail for our first Greenbelt experience. The signs weren't exactly clear as to where we would end up, but we decided to set out towards the left. There were lots of people hiking, biking,
and rock-climbing... which I am determined to do once I'm feeling gutsy enough. We hiked along the river and through the woods for a good bit... even pulled a little Oregon Trail action as we balanced ourselves on the rocks and crossed over the river with the grace of ballerinas (<---lie).
Most anti-climactic part of the journey: Climbing a trail of rocks up a steep hill... expecting a field of bluebonnets.... a cascading waterfall.... three cowboys on horseback.... you catch my drift.... but no, we found none of the above. We ended up at Wal-Mart. Well, we ended up 100 yards away from a Wal-Mart, but still, it wasn't a waterfall. I mean, seriously? Anyways, at least we know another place to park to access the Greenbelt trails. It definitely didn't take away from the beauty of the hike... we must have exclaimed how incredible it was at least 50 times. We are hoping to eventually explore all of the Greenbelt... one Sunday at a time.
"Show me how pretty the world is, 'cause I want something just a little bit louder." -Matt Nathanson
So fun!! You were right, the pictures do remind me of Sugar Hollow... except there aren't any Wal-Marts out in White Hall!