A girl getting stuck in the bathroom stall
Girl in white spaghetti-strapped dress in 55 degree weather: "Help... anybody? Is anyone out there? Somebody, please... I'm stuck... anyyyyybodyyyyy?"
Me in my stall: Laughing silently. Dying. Enjoying this.
Reagan (after her share of laughing and dying): "Do you need some help?" as she opens the stall door with a swift push... clearly the girl failed to remember that the door might open from the other direction. Embarrassin'.
AND the other highlight being.... celebrating with Reagan and singing/dancing to our "FAVORITE" song... all 47 of them.

3.) MARK. The coolest cab driver around. Everyone needs a personal cabbie, especially in a town that they're not too familiar with. Lo and behold, Mark to the rescue! We had heard that it is nearly impossible to get a cab during SXSW, but we were obviously kissed with the luck of the Irish this past week. Mark picked us up from 6th street to take us to a venue called "The Scoot Inn". Sweet name, sweet venue. We thought Mark might appreciate our game of "Would You Rather" that we had been playing in the previous bar... and we were right. Mark actually asked that we call him any time we need a ride because he was having so much fun. Little did he know, we would be calling him an hour later... "MARK, would you rather pick us up or let us freeze outside?" He picked us up. "Would You Rather" gets them every time. A big thanks to Dana for that one... she encouraged my twisted love of the game.
4.) Hiking at the Greenbelt - another post to come when pictures are available. A-ma-zing!
Stay tuned... more to come!
Goal for next car ride with Mark: dance with an object.. I think this is definitely possible, you may need to show him some examples first..