The frightening picture from Eliza Joy's wedding must have done

something for my creative spirit because here I am, ready to write. I wanted to write a post about Liza and Zach's wedding, as it was one of the most special ceremonies and most beautiful receptions I have ever seen. Besides it being an opportunity to spend the evening with a few of my favorite people, it was a time to celebrate two people who are perfect for each other coming together as one. Sounds cheesy, but it was a very sentimental and o

utspoken ceremony, different than any I've ever seen. Zach and Liza both took a turn speaking to their parents during the ceremony, thanking them for all that they have given and sharing how they have shaped them into the people they are today. I will always remember Liza sharing a memory of driving into New York City with her Mom, feeling overwhelmed and a bit afraid that she was making the wrong decision by moving to a city where she barely knew a soul. At the same time she had these thoughts running through her head, her Mom motioned toward the NYC skyline and

said, "You see that? You're going to conquer this city." I just loved hearing this. It isn't hard to see why Liza is such an independent, confident, and driven young woman. Liza and Zach also addressed each other during the ceremony, sharing memories of the

milestones in their relationship and praising the qualities that drew them to one another. So sweet. And of course the reception was just absolutely beautiful. There were so many special details, from the creative idea of giving jam as a wedding favor with a label that said "Liza and Zach
Spread the Love" to the gorgeous table centerpieces to the chandeliers with tea lights, that made the reception one to remember. Liza was a stunning and fun-loving bride and Zach was a handsome and goodhearted groom. At the risk of sounding super cheesy, it was one of those weddings where you walk away excited about life and I was thankful to Liza, Zach, and their families for that.
So beautiful!!