The last time I remember going to the drive-in movies was back in third or fourth grade. My Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jiggs took me and my sisters to the drive-in theater in New Hampshire, and I believe we saw "Angels in the Outfield". I remember thinking it was so cool that they took us, and it was definitely something a third-grader could brag about
doing on their summer vacation. I think they were still dating at that point... maybe engaged... but I do remember sitting in the back middle of their green Explorer (definitely not letting my leg touch my older sister Nicole's leg or else I would hear, "Skin! SKIN!") Who knew that I would be 26 years old before my next go at the drive-in? Another Austin gem discovered. Firas and I were invited to see a movie a couple weeks ago by a great group of guys and girls at the "Blue Starlite Mini Urban Drive-In". Being located in east Austin, with the exception of it's neighbor "Juan in a Million", this outdoor theater is a diamond in the rough. Not only can a small group rent out the drive-in, you can also bring your own movie AND your own food and beverage. Sianara $10 movie ticket, $9 popcorn and $7 diet coke. To top it off, tickets to the drive-in were only 12 bucks! And a big props to Austin weather for allowing us to all sit in lawn chairs and watch the movie outside of our cars. I had a hunch that these were my kind of people when the movie suggestions included "So I Married an Axe Murderer", "Stand By Me", "Top Gun" and "The Goonies". I would have been happy with any of those movies, but was especially thrilled when "So I Married an Axe Murderer" won the vote. Another Lauer classic, and one that doesn't get nearly enough recognition. But Nicole is right... it's making a comeback! The outdoor theater definitely had character... there's really no way to describe it... imagine dozens of lawn chairs, old-time commercials playing on the screen, decorative lights, tacky decor, and a trailer with two artsy guys selling $2 popcorn. Could there be any better way to spend a Thursday evening? I think not.

Head! Pants! Now!