'Twas The Week Before Graduation
While in the holiday spirit, I decided to write my own version of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. Bear with me.
'Twas the week before Graduation, when all through the land
The four girls were stirring, devising a plan
The blue robes were hung in their closets with care
In hopes of looking hot in the kodak memories they'd share
The girls were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of bike helmets danced in their heads
And Dana in her double bed, and Eej in her twin,
Had just settled their anxiety of tomorrow's event
The girls arose to prepare for the day
They were out of their minds, some might say
Decked out in spandex and helmets for their heads
They loaded the bikes into the car from the shed
They posted ridiculous signs to their backs
"Farmville or Bust", now that is a fact
"Honk If You Love Red Meat", that's another
"Seniors '02", ain't nothin' better
Turns out that two of the bikes had flat tires
Looks like half of the crew wouldn't be riding
Dana and Vail took off on the bikes
While Jaclyn and EJ's running feet took a hike
The yellow buses passed by, so close and so quick
The girls knew in an instant they were taking a risk
More rapid than Bodo's, the kids rushed to have a glance
Some pointed and laughed, while others were entranced
Now Eej and Dana, Jaclyn and Vail,
Arrived at the school, their prank had not failed!
Laughing aloud, screaming for the class of '02
This was one morning to remember, they knew
These are the memories that have shaped their past
Crazy pranks, good laughs, and friends that will last
Now hear me exclaim as the story comes to an end
Merry Christmas to all, do something foolish with friends!
Dedicated to the girls that don't mind looking foolish with me.