That's right. The UT cheerleaders/dance team wore
chaps for the second half of the basketball game. This place is amazing.

Since Kristen and I were "valentines" this year, she surprised me with tickets to the game! It was a blowout... UT slammed Nebraska. Go Longhorns! We were in the beyond-nosebleed section, which turned out to be awesome... even the chaps didn't provide as much entertainment as the boys in front of us. And by boys, I am referring to four six-year old boys. They were HYSTERICAL. Best line ever: "When we get home, we're going to eat so much cake and ice cream, we're gonna PUKE!!!!" Kristen and I were wondering why we haven't run into boys like them on 6th street... hopefully soon.
It was definitely a good first experience as a new UT fan... glad Mom convinced my to buy that orange sweater last Fall.
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