I did it! I went to the movie theater all by myself and saw a movie without a friend on either side of me. I'm sure most people have done this before, but it was a first for me. It probably wasn't the best movie to see by myself considering I cried through the
entire book, and the film did have some chilling scenes, but I made it through. I was a little nervous during the previews because there was an older man sitting in the row behind me breathing heavily and making strange noises, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I chalked it up to asthma, COPD, etc... take your pick. Lucky for me, a boy around my age entered the theater just as the movie started and sat in the same row as the heavy breather but directly behind me. This made me feel a bit safer... even though I felt bad for completely BUSTING him when he clearly thought he had escaped anyone finding out that he was moved by the previews for Lovely Bones and just had to see it. He might have taken a half-day at work just to catch an afternoon matinee. Very smooth. The movie was good. The book was better, as always. The movie definitely had a more imaginative/supernatural/psychedelic spin, but still very heart-wrenching. It made me very scared to have children, and it also helped me understand why my parents made me call them every time I arrived to where I was going... because there are crazy, disturbed, twisted people out there. And like the book, it made me value my family even more. I wouldn't recommend seeing this alone... because there were probably 14 instances where I wanted to turn to a friend and say "OH my gosh", "Oh no....", "WHAT?!", or "DON'T DO IT!!!!" I had the choice to hold it all in, turn to the boy my age who already felt awkward, or share my gasps with the heavy breather. Needless to say, I held it all in.

And don't worry, I'm not actually lonely as the title of this post leads you to believe. My Mom made this comment after I called post-movie, and we had a good laugh about it. Yes, it would be nice to have more than
one friend to invite to the movies here in Austin, but that will come with time.... it
better come with time.
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