Sike. This kid might have found his soulmate in Kristen, but all she found was a not-so-secret admirer. Not once but twice has this guy singled Kristen out at the Chuggin' Money, and clung to her like cellophane (Dee, note the throwback reference) on and off the dance floor. The first time was semi-normal. It was the first weekend I had arrived in Austin, and we were having a blast dancing with my sisters to Jay-Z, Whitney, Bon Jovi, you name it. We were beatin' the beat. Kristen must have had all the right moves that night because out of nowhere... he appeared. With the energy of an 8-year old after eating 12 packs of Fun-Dip. He danced around Kristen with so much enthusiasm, I thought he was going to burst. He was jumping, spinning, bending on one knee... the kid was unstoppable. His friends eventually dragged him away and out of the bar, and we believed that was our first and last encounter with Kristen's admirer.
3 Weeks Later
Kristen and I explored different bars on 6th street for most of the evening... we were feeling a bit defeated as we were not encountering any PF's and we weren't so thrilled with any of the places we had been so far. We were about to pass the Chuggin' Money and thought "We've had a good time there before... let's give it a go". We weren't 10 feet into the bar when we hear, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"as Kristen simultaneously gets attacked with a bear hug and slathered in affection. And there he was, in all his glory. And there Kristen was, wide-eyed and somewhat in shock. And there I was, laughing so hard that my hands were shaking as I quickly reached for the camera in my purse. This incredible reunion clearly had to be documented. We left him to use the restroom and returned to find him on stage, dancing by himself. Apparently the DJ had played a special song for James (Kristen eventually did ask his name), leading us to believe that he was well known around these parts. By the time we joined him on stage, he had only his top button buttoned. Awk-ward. This picture isn't grandmother-friendly, but it's too funny not to post.

To Kristen and James: May your love for each other grow stronger and stronger each year. Or each weekend. CHEERS!
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