2.) She is the best hostess in the world. Whether I visited her at college, in San Diego, or in DC, she always planned out the entire trip so that we would have a memorable time. It's amazing what we packed into one of my 4-day trips to San Diego... Laguna Beach, Disneyland, Tijuana, Encinitas, Mission Viejo, and the list goes on...
3.) See picture below.

5.) It was her and Tony's move to San Diego that inspired me to be gutsy enough to move to Austin.
6.) She participated in sister/cousin plays when she might have been a few years too old for it. Well let's be honest, we were all probably a little too old for it. She directed and produced several unforgettable performances, including "Do You Have Any Shoes?", "Detective Ray", and "The Coolest Thanksgiving Play Ever". Oh wait, can't forget the performance voted least popular by the family, Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People". Bad idea. But hey, we were living in an MTV world.
7.) She is 29 and still gets extremely hyper = hilarious.
8.) She jump-started my adventure in Austin with me by driving me all the way from D.C. to Texas. She made the trip much more exciting (see #3 and #7).
9.) On top of her having the most fun and beautiful wedding EVER, she also had a risotto bar at the reception.
10.) She is up for anything. Whether it be moving across the country, planning a Cinco de Mayo themed party in September, riding every single ride at an amusement park, attending multiple Britney concerts, "pulling an international" by trying out an Ethiopian restaurant (never again), making several trips to Tijuana for reunions with Froy and Pancho, or jumping/singing/dancing/crying to Bette Midler's "Going to the Chapel" with me and Dee the morning of her wedding, she is in it to win it.
And that is why I love her!
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