Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blogger's Block

There are so many things I've been meaning to blog about, but I just haven't had the time or energy. That was hard to admit. I do want to become more consistent with this blog, and I promise to my handful of faithful readers that I will try to do so. I hope to have more time to spend writing after this week is over with. Let's hope so at least... until then, in the midst of wedding season, I will leave you with a favorite picture of mine...

I'm hoping that the energy and determination in this picture will rub off on my blogging efforts. And yes, I did end up with the bouquet. And no, I was not the next to marry.


  1. Hands down, you know this would be John's favorite post!

  2. Bridesmaidzilla -it was a very scary moment.....
