Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baby Brain

We have been joking with my sister Nicole about her "baby brain", the reason for her word mix-ups and memory loss. The baby is obviously sharing her brain, and sometimes it is evident in Nicole's e-mails and conversation. We've received several e-mails such as these:
  • I just spelled third "thurd", and not a typo just me being an idiot.
  • Subject of Nicole's e-mail: "Mom's Present's".
  • I just wrote an email to my coworker and wrote his name Drank instead of Frank in the email.... this day needs to end.
We've all had moment like these, with or without a baby sucking up our brain. Have you ever just stared at a word on the computer that you've typed a million times before, convinced that it doesn't look right and finally double-check the spelling with the person beside you or Just the other day, I e-mailed my sisters because Nicole's baby brain rubbed off on me for a change.

I was reading an article online when I came across this sentence:

"Brooklynite Asa Ersgard stays home full-time now, but when her two oldest daughters were small, she worked full days."

I literally read this one sentence 15 times, wondering to myself how someone could ever name their child "Brooklynite".


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beautiful Lengths

Eliza Joy and I had the privilege of accompanying Dana to her hair appointment where she so thoughtfully had her beautiful long hair cut to be donated to someone in need. She had been letting her hair grow out for around two years, and it was finally long enough where she wouldn't be left with her infamous "boy cut" from elementary school. I thought it would be fun to document her experience and show you all what a champion she was. With only a couple tears shed and one loud scream heard throughout the salon, she made us very proud. Enjoy!


And even though Eliza Joy is going to kill me for posting these pictures, I just can't resist. How can you trust two girls with a history of prank calling, driving up and down the Corner with a monkey mask on while yelling ridiculous things out the window, and filling truck beds with mounds of donuts taken straight from the Krispy Kreme dumpster?

You can't.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fast Times at Nursing Home High

Me: "I didn't know you were a hunter. What did you hunt?"

Don, 80 year old resident: "What do you think?"

Me: "Deer?"

Don: "Women."


Me: "Tony, it's time for bingo!"

Tony, 90 year old resident: "Oh, oh, okay, just resting my eyes."

Me: "Do you need help getting up?"

Tony, with a mischievous look on his face: "Getting up, or getting it up?"

Me: "I'll be back in five minutes."

Picture a group of elderly residents sitting around a table for a baking activity. A resident's middle-aged daughter is visiting and joining us for the activity. She happens to be wearing a Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt.

Tony, elbowing me and whispering: "Hard Rocks, eh?"

Jaclyn: "Don't go there, Tony."

Tony, still whispering: "Heh heh, hard rocks...."

Jaclyn: "Don't do it, Tony...."

Tony, hands out in front of him pretending to squeeze two oranges, loudly addressing the visitor: "They're hard as a rock, eh? Prove it to me!"