Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cheers to You, Captain Morgan

Last weekend, Kristen and I were hanging out at JBlacks, one of our favorite spots on west 6th street. As always, we were on the hunt for PF's. For those who don't speak acronym on a regular basis (Tara McDonald and Laura Young), I am referring to "Potential Friends". My family always has a good laugh remembering Nicole, my older sister, standing on the front porch when she was around 4 years old calling out "Friend.... friend..." to the kids walking home from the bus stop. It's not as funny these days, considering I am 26 and sometimes feel desperate enough to follow her lead. How does a girl pick up girlfriends? I met Kristen through Monica... and I met Monica while dancing the night away at Metro, a small bar in Richmond. I got her name (to facebook her, obviously), invited them to my guido birthday bash... and BOOM, insta-friends! Unfortunately, bars are not as small in Austin where you can't help but to bump into people while screaming "from the windowww to the wall"... but I have faith that someone out there will notice our high-energy performance of Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" and want to befriend us immediately.

While at JBlacks last Friday night, I realized what I might have to do to score insta-friends: dress up in costume. It worked for Captain Morgan. He had people taking pictures of him all night. Apparently he does this quite often... either he's incredibly sketchy or completely genius.

P.S. How excited is the guy on the right? And how scared is the guy next to me?


  1. OMG. First of all your story of Nicole is hilarious. Second of all I am psyched to make it into the blog, yessssssssss. Third of all, did Kristen or I ever tell you about the guy we met in a bar in NYC wearing only a bathrobe in January? Capt. Morgan reminds be of the bathrobe wearing guy, Lee Mertins. Please have her tell you that story. I am laughing just thinking about it. Finally, I love your blog.

    MISS YOU!!!!

  2. I know your bathrobe wearing guy. That guy was my roommate. He's sitting by me now. Thank God for Google Alerts.
