Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ooh Baby, Baby

I've been wanting to write this post for months now, but haven't quite had the words to express just how excited I am. My older sister Nicole is pregnant with her first baby and is due on September 30th!!! To see her and Tony this happy, to see my family this happy, and to feel this happy is simply overwhelming. In a good way! It's such a gift for all of us... I can't even imagine how Nicole must feel! Although I wish I was closer as she experiences her first pregnancy, it has been a privilege to see her twice, and to hear updates about how she's doing and how the baby is growing. So far, all is good... both Nicole and little nugget are healthy. And yes, we are calling the baby "little nugget". Why? Because Nicole and Tony are letting the sex of the baby be a SURPRISE! I was so excited when she told me they were waiting to find out... I feel like that is so rare these days. Everyone is asking me how they are going to plan for the baby, what will people buy for their shower, how they will decorate the nursery.... and my response is, "I don't know... lots of yellow?" I love it! My Mom and Dad were surprised by all three of us. My Dad very surprised by three girls, I'm sure.

Nicole has been glowing since the very beginning... she is beautifully pregnant, and I know that she will make an amazing Mom. And WOOHOO for being an Aunt! And what do you all think little nugget should call me? Aunt Jaclyn doesn't really flow. Aunt Jac? That's a tad masculine. Ideas are welcome.

And if little nugget grows up to look anything like this....

We're in for a real treat.

Love you Nicole and Tony! Can't wait to welcome your little nug into this world.


  1. Papa John and Nana Lee can't wait either!! SO exciting and wonderful!!!

  2. Awww thanks Aunt Jackie!!! (Come on, you know you love it.) And yup, lot's of yellow and green! :)

  3. LOL - awesome pic at the end there!!! hahahahaha couldn't not stop laughing at our little chunk!

    Nicole does look great, so excited for all of you. Being an Auntie is amazing, enjoy it!!!

  4. I must also say, that DUMPSTER in the background really captures the moment. ;)

  5. I'm so anxious to be this baby's greatnana. The whole family can't wait. Jaclyn, you're blogs show
    so much love of family that it makes me proud of all of you. Love you+ nana
