Monday, July 18, 2011

Neon Daggers

I remember babysitting for a family in Charlottesville and knowing exactly what kind of parent I didn't want to be. The Dad was a creeper (as in he used to walk me outside, slip me an extra 20, and ask me to look at the stars with him as I awkwardly hurried to the car) and the Mom was caught up in some sort of materialistic /wannabe charlottesville liberal hippie / probably-never-wanted-kids-but-all-of-her-other-friends-were-doing-it outerspace. Did you catch all that? And the kids were just wild. Free reign over their hundreds of acres. The first time I babysat, I was on a four-wheeler within five minutes, cruising through the woods to their monstrous mansion being built. I am laughing as I write this because it doesn't even seem possible. But I couldn't help but love them. They were desperate for their parents' attention. They lived for it. So even though it wasn't my attention they were looking for, I gave it to them. I still let them know who was boss, but we had fun. I'm talking cannonball into the pool, King of the Mountain on top of the boulders, being chased by chickens in the coop kind of fun. But I'll never forget one specific day when the Mom was leaving for a bridal shower or something of the sort when her youngest son ran up to her with so much pride and excitement, handing her a bracelet that he had made for her to wear to the party. She quickly thanked him and threw it down on the table. He told her it was for her to wear that night and begged her to put it on for the party. Instead of just putting the damn thing on and taking it off in the car, she replied, "Seriously, I am not wearing that to my party." I loathed her from that day on.

And the only reason I'm telling you this story is because of the picture below. My resident made me this necklace and even before I knew it was for me, I joked that it could be used as a weapon with it's neon green daggers posing as jewelry.

But you better believe that unlike their coldhearted Mom, I'm wearing it with pride. And it is totally available to be borrowed... anytime.


  1. Hey... that is my star gazing story! HAHA, you can have it.

    and please let me be first on the list to borrow the necklace.

  2. Many a time I've had to walk around school wearing Jewelry made with love, no one even comments any more. I only cringe when it's a 10 pound creation made with those heavy wooden beads. The string is usually just a little too short and I have to squeeze my head through. Pretty.
    By the way, I love your necklace!
