The second "C'ville Weekend" post is coming, I promise. Until then, I wanted to give a quick shout-out to my blog's biggest fan. Believe it or not, it's not my Mom (although she and Nana are close runner-ups) ... it's the one and only Bradley Thomas Trevillian. He must have told atleast 76 people at Foxfield about my blog. It didn't matter if this was their first time meeting me, Brad was certain that they would enjoy reading it. It was quite entertaining, and a little bit flattering too. Brad asked what it would take to get a shout-out on my blog, and I realized that I should have dropped his name a long time ago. He inspired the title of my blog! The lyric is taken from a song by Ryan Adams, a musician that Brad introduced me to and is now my all-time favorite artist. I believe Brad had this exact quote on his AIM profile (was anyone prepared for that throwback?) all four years of college. It was one of those staples I could count on. And I just love the song. Besides Brad having excellent taste in music, he is a good friend of mine, and one that I have known for a long, long time.

He always has a toast up his sleeve for a special occasion or a random bar night with good friends (some mildly inappropriate)... my favorite being, "As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction."

Brad is known for his sense of humor. I'm sure that half the planet doesn't understand it, but I am always laughing. I was browsing his pictures on Facebook and came across this one that I had actually commented on back in 2006. Wow. He had taken it at the Monument 10k in Richmond, and the caption read, "The winner...he trained for 10 years running away from lions." I might have woken up Kristen by laughing so loudly. I can't stop. I never said Brad's sense of humor was appropriate or politically correct, but he sure knows how to stir a crowd.

And to top it off, he married a beautiful bride and they had one of the most FUN weddings I've ever been to. And they asked me to be a part of it... what an honor! I love this picture. Good thing the camera couldn't capture my hands shaking as I read the passage... stage fright, I suppose. We were so thrilled to welcome Allison in to the crazy C'ville crew, and so happy that Brad had found his match. I will always hold a special place in my heart for the two of them as they introduced me to Caddy's, the best redneck karaoke bar I have ever been to. I will never forget our first night there...
He wore a zoot suit to school almost every day in 9th grade. Along with a few other immature middle school boys, he created a fake screenname on AOL and made me think I was in a "long distance relationship" with a boy from Virginia Beach (I still haven't completely forgiven them for that... I thought I had found my 7th grade soulmate). He wears bow-ties. He makes a killer bloody mary. He wakes up at 4 am and is probably the most productive person I've ever met. He used to inline skate. He drove around C'ville with me, Vail, and John Bourgeois to deliver invitations to a luau-themed going-away party for a boy that we didn't even know that well (driving through the field behind Crozet Elementary = best afternoon ever). He made business cards for himself when he graduated high-school, complete with his picture and screenname. There he is, folks... Bradley Thomas Trevillian. Tara gets three blog entries dedicated to her and I only get this?!?!?
ReplyDeleteBrad is either blushing or has left the country...Mama Lauer