It's safe to say that most people perceive "nursing homes" to be dark, dreary, and depressing places... and I am here to show you that's not always the case. The picture above is of my facility's living room. We have truly decked the halls of our building, and the residents are enjoying the season.

And for all my Charlottesville friends, this is a sight that we look forward to every year. Ivy Store lights up the town with their beautiful rooftop display of Christmas lights right around Thanksgiving, and no matter how many years you've been around for it, the first time you pass by it you'll be sure to gasp and exclaim, "The lights are up!!!"
The homemade

Christmas is always a fun time for the activities calendar as there are so many additional programs and ideas that can be implemented. Arts and Crafts is something that residents of all different functioning levels can participate in, and it's always a treat to see the finished product of their hard work. The above wreath was worked on for three hours yesterday by a few ladies. It was quite humorous to watch as one lady picked out the ribbon, the second lady pinned the ribbon to the wreath, and the third lady approved of it's placement. They were very proud of their work, especially when I hung it on the dining room door for all to see.
The interesting
I want to move into your facility's living room!!!